A printable version (i.e. pdf) can be found (here).

October 24th – Workshops – Lindholmen Science Park
Kelvin Tesla
Workshop 1 – Measurement Patterns and Anti-Patterns: a Workshop for COSMIC Practitioners Workshop 2 – Automation of Functional Size Measurement (FSM): State of the Art and Research Agenda
09:00 Planning of the workshop – A. Abran
09:15 State of the art and Automation Challenges – F. Vogelezang & NESMA
09:45 Coffee
10:00 Sizing of Requirements in Matlab-Simulink and A verification protocol – A. Abran, H. Soubra
10:30 Tool using textual analysis for supporting FSM teaching and learning – P. Fagg
11:00 Automation of Textual requirements from syntactic and semantic analysis – S. Lagrichi
11:30 An automation tool for NESMA measurement of textual requirements – R. Notten, P. Bellen
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Workshop 1 – Measurement Patterns and Anti-Patterns: a Workshop for COSMIC Practitioners CISQ Strategy – P.E. Douziech
14:00 Workshop 1 – Measurement Patterns and Anti-Patterns: a Workshop for COSMIC Practitioners CAST – G. Karsenti
15:00 Coffee Coverage and Gaps and a research agenda on FSM automation – F. Vogelezang
15:15 Workshop 1 – Measurement Patterns and Anti-Patterns: a Workshop for COSMIC Practitioners
15:30 Workshop 1 – Measurement Patterns and Anti-Patterns: a Workshop for COSMIC Practitioners Identification of joins initiatives – discussions in groups
16:30 Workshop 1 – Measurement Patterns and Anti-Patterns: a Workshop for COSMIC Practitioners Group leaders reporting on upcoming joint initiatives
17:00 Closing
Building Jupiter – Room 473
17:00 Open COSMIC Meeting
October 25th – Ericsson Lindholmen
Room 1 Room 2
08:30 Registration + coffee
09:00 Keynote: Jan Bosch, Software Center
09:45 Coffee
Agile/distributed software development I – Session Chair: Francisco Valdés Software quality – Session Chair: Niklas Mellegard
10:00 Ilaria Lunesu, Juergen Muench, Michele Marchesi and Marco Kuhrmann Using Measurement and Simulation for Understanding Distributed Development Processes in the Cloud Thomas Fehlmann and Eberhard Kranich: Autonomous Real-Time Software & Systems Testing – A Six Sigma Approach
10:30 Ali Idri and Saad Yasser Chadli Identifying and mitigating risks of software project management in global software development Erdir Ungan, Sylvie Trudel and Luc Poulin: Using FSM Patterns to Size Security Non Functional Requirements with COSMIC
11:00 Wilhelm Meding Effective monitoring of progress of agile software development teams in modern software companies – an industrial case study Frank Vogelezang, Eric van der Vliet, René Nijland, Jelle de Vries, Eltjo Poort and Harry Mols: A Shortcut to Estimating Non-Functional Requirements?
11:30 Keynote: Karl-Johan Killius, Ericsson (more info)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Keynote: Niclas Nygren, Volvo Car Group – (more info)
Measurement Process Planning – Session Chair: Marco Kuhrmann Automation (Gerts) – Session Chair: Hassan Soubra
14:00 Wilhelm Meding: Sustainable Measurement Programs for Software Development Companies – What to measure Justus Bogner, Stefan Wagner and Alfred Zimmermann: Automatically Measuring the Maintainability of Service- and Microservice-based Systems – a Literature Review
14:30 Regina Hebig and Haoyu Wang: Improving the Real-Time Experience for Software-Measurement System End-Users Josh Mengerink, Alexander Serebrenik, Ramon Schiffelers and Mark Van Den Brand: Automated Analyses of Model-Driven Artifacts: Obtaining Insights Into Real-Life Application of MDE
15:00 Coffee
Functional Size Measurement – Session Chair: Pierre Almén Project Management I – Session Chair: Miroslaw Staron
15:15 Hassan Soubra and Alain Abran: Functional Size Measurement for the Internet of Things (IoT): An example using COSMIC and the Arduino open-source platform Francisco Valdés-Souto Earned Scope Management: A Case of Study of Scope Performance using Use Cases as Scope in a Real Project
15:45 Mariem Haoues, Asma Sellami and Hanene Ben-Abdallah: A Rapid Measurement Procedure for Sizing Software Applications based on COSMIC FSM Method Thomas Fehlmann and Eberhard Kranich: A New Approach for Continuously Monitoring Project Deadlines in Software Development
16:15 Christian Quesada-López, Marcelo Jenkins, Luis Carlos Salas and Juan Carlos Gómez: Towards an automated functional size measurement procedure: An industrial case study Niklas Mellegård: Using weekly open defect reports as an indicator for software process efficiency — Theoretical framework and a longitudinal automotive industrial case study
18:00 Ship museum
19:00 Dinner – River Cafe
October 26th – Ericsson Lindholmen
Room 1 Room 2
08:30 Registration + coffee
08:15 Keynote: Sylvie Trudel, UQAM (more info)
09:00 Gert Frost, Grundfos: Metrics and machine learning José Díaz López, Qlik
09:45 Coffee
Agile/distributed software development II – Session Chair: Miroslaw Staron Software design and coding – Frank Vogelezang
10:00 Krzysztof Wnuk and Kalyan Chakravarthy Maddila: Agile and Lean Metrics Associated with Requirements Engineering Igor Ilin, Anastasia Levina, O. Iliashenko and Alain Abran: Measurement of Enterprise Architecture (EA): Related Work and a Research Agenda for Improved EA Measurement
10:30 Murat Salmanoglu, Tuna Hacaloglu and Onur Demirörs: Effort Estimation for Agile Software Development: Comparative Case Studies Using COSMIC Functional Size Measurement and Story Points Johannes Bräuer, Reinhold Plösch, Matthias Saft and Christian Körner: Improving Object-Oriented Design Quality: A Portfolio– and Measurement-Based Approach
11:00 Alex Estevam, Denis Dennehy and Kieran Conboy: Adopting Flow Analytics in Software Development Projects Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Christian Berger and Jorgen Hansson: Correlations of Software Code Metrics: An Empirical Study
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Keynote: Tom Gilb – Planguage: A Software and Systems Engineering Language, for Evaluating Methods, and Managing Projects for Zero Failure, and Maximum Value Efficiency (more info)
14:00 Industry Talk: Michael Harris, PREMIOS – Visualizing the value of software Industry Talk: Michael Haider, CAST Software – Automated Function Point Counting using the CAST Application Intelligence Platform
Software Quality II – Wilhelm Meding Effort Estimation I – Bogdan Marculescu
14:30 Szymon Kupiński, Bartosz Walter, Marcin Wolski and Jakub Chojnacki: Filling the gaps: imputation of missing metrics’ values in quality models Neslihan Küçükateş Ömüral and Onur Demirörs Effort estimation methods for ERP projects based on function points: a case study
15:00 Arthur Molnar and Simona Motogna: Discovering Maintainability Changes in Large Software Systems Ali Idri, Mohamed Hosni and Alain Abran Investigating Heterogeneous Ensembles with Filter Feature Selection for Software Effort Estimation
15:30 Coffee
Project Management II – Session Chair: Abdullah Mamun Effort Estimation II – Session Chair: Miroslaw Staron
15:45 Jukka Ruohonen, Sampsa Rauti, Sami Hyrynsalmi and Ville Leppänen Mining Social Networks of Open Source CVE Coordination Przemyslaw Pospieszny Software Estimation – towards prescriptive analytics
16:15 Marcus Ciolkowski, Sebastian von Mammen and Simon Faber 3-D Visualization of Dynamic Runtime Structures in Applications Jean-Marc Desharnais and Alain Abran COSMIC (ISO 19761) Certification: An Analysis of Examinee Results
16:45 Conference closing

We thank you for your patience.